Christian C. Wood
Associate Professor of French and Humanities
Offices & Programs
PhD in Philosophy and French Studies from the University of New Mexico.
Christian received a PhD in Philosophy, and then a PhD in French Studies from the University of New Mexico. Christian’s academic interests lay primarily in the intersection of Francophone literature and philosophy, with an emphasis upon phenomenology and the ways that considerations of love inform intellectual and intercultural discourses. He was presented the Kirk Award in 2023, recognizing faculty who stand out during annual review sessions by the president, dean and division chairs.
Wood’s work focuses upon engaged thinkers and authors such as Simone de Beauvoir, Emmanuel Levinas, Albert Camus, Kamel Daoud, and Chantal Spitz. Since 2019, Christian’s trajectory focuses upon Tahitian art, literature, and philosophy of land, timely sources of inquiry for students on campus and in study abroad. Christian regularly guides students to explore community relations and know-how in study abroad, and is currently developing ways of linking many different types of partnerships with communities in Tahiti.
Member of the Levinas Research Seminar