Bill Garriott headshot

William Garriott

John Marshall Harlan Professor of Government, Emeritus


BA: government, Centre College

MA: government, Vanderbilt University

PhD: government, Vanderbilt University


Professor Emeritus Bill Garriott joined the Centre faculty in 1970 and retired in 2010.  In 2005 he was named the John Marshall Harlan Professor of Government. He was government program chair and faculty advisor for Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honorary society.  He served as President of the Faculty, and from 1972 to 1981 was an assistant baseball coach.  He twice served as president of the Kentucky Political Science Association. Before coming to Centre, he spent a year in the Tennessee Office of Urban and Federal Affairs as a planner working with the Appalachian Regional Development Program.


He received the Distinguished Political Scientist Award from the Kentucky Political Science Association in 2014.


In his professional writing, he has explored American political culture and socialization, the American presidency, media politics, state and local government, public administration, public finance, teaching political science, and baseball.  One of his last projects was “George Bush, the ‘Rally Effect’, and the Partisan Popular Press,” coauthored by a student, Michael Douglas ’06, which won the David Hughes Award for the best paper presented at the 2007 Kentucky Political Science Association meeting.


His teaching responsibilities included the Introduction to Politics course and advanced courses in American politics.

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