Body Cameras
To support its on-going efforts to maintain a safe campus, the Centre College Department of Public Safety (DPS) has adopted the use of body cameras to record interactions between its officers and members of the Centre community. Please refer to the following Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the purpose and benefits of this new policy, adopted in November 2020.
Which officers of the Department are issued body-worn cameras?
All Public Safety Officers are issued PatrolEyes Max Cameras as part of their standard issued equipment.
What are the benefits of utilizing a body-worn camera system?
Research has indicated that body-worn camera systems increase transparency, can expedite resolution of complaints, and provide additional documentation.
When are the cameras activated?
Cameras must be activated on all investigative encounters.
What are the laws concerning the utilization of body-cameras?
There are no laws in Kentucky that either require or prohibit the use of body-worn cameras by college public safety departments.
What happens to the recordings?
The recordings are considered a part of the case file. The recordings will become part of the permanent case record in the Maxient system. The recordings are maintained on a server for an amount of time determined by the Directors. At the end of this period, the recordings can be deleted from the server. Recordings for cases involving criminal charges, student conduct or complaints normally will be held until the issues are resolved.
Are the recordings “public records”?
No, they are not public records. Private agencies or institutions are not required to produce body camera recordings under the Kentucky Open Records Act. These recordings are also protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
How are the recordings used?
The recordings are used primarily for documentation of events and dialogue exactly as they happen to provide an impartial account for College officials.
If I am involved in an incident can I view the audio-video recording of the incident?
Permission to view recordings must be given by the Directors of Public Safety and the Vice President of Legal Affairs of the College.
If I am involved in an incident can I have a copy of the recording?
No, but the recording may be viewed upon request to and approval by the Directors of Public Safety and the Vice President of Legal Affairs of the College.
If I encounter an Officer, does he/she have to tell me that I am being recorded?
No, but an Officer may tell you that the encounter is being recorded as it may serve to deescalate a situation, reduce anxiety present in a situation or positively influence the attitudes of those people involved.