The 2020 documentary, Taiwan Equals Love, explores the relationships of three same-sex couples across a three-year period of time. From 2016, when drafts of the marriage equality law were proposed but later pushed back by anti-LGBTQ opposition groups, to 2019, when Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, we’re able to follow and chronologically live through each family’s struggles, perseverance, and emotional roller coaster rides as the right to marry and secure a legal guarantee for their relationship seems at once within reach, yet distantly far.
The film’s original title in Chinese, 《同愛一家》, which translates directly to “same love one home,” captures the message of the documentary. While open to interpretation, it can generally be understood as the love between a same-sex couple being the equivalent of having a home, and that love, in all its forms, can bring all people together as one family.
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Center for Global Citizenship and Chinese Studies