Man with dark hair wearing glasses, grey button up shirt, and red tie

Amos Tubb

Gordon B. Davidson Professor of History

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BA from the University of California-Davis
MA & PhD from University of California-Riverside


British Civil War — Medieval and Early Modern Britain (video: Dr. Tubb’s British History class)

Research interests include the British Civil War and the Commonwealth.

Published such articles as Printing the Regicide of Charles I and Mixed Messages: Royalist Newsbook Reports of Charles I’s Execution and the Leveller Uprising.


Amos Tubb is the Gordon B. Davidson Professor of History and was named a Centre Scholar in 2009. He holds a B.A. from the University of California-Davis, and received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California-Riverside.

Dr. Tubb’s research interests include the British Civil War and the Commonwealth. He has published such articles as Printing the Regicide of Charles I and Mixed Messages: Royalist Newsbook Reports of Charles I’s Execution and the Leveller Uprising.

Tubb won the Kirk Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2008, was named Kentucky Monthly’s “Co-best Storyteller” for Kentucky Professors in 2010, and received the David F Hughes Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service in 2012.

Tubb taught at UC-Riverside before coming to Centre.

Tubb’s book, Thomas Violet: A Sly and Dangerous Fellow, is a biography of a disreputable London goldsmith who scammed a series of English governments from the 1630s through the 1660s.


Churchill's World, the British Empire, the Wars of the Roses, the Crusades, World History, Knights and Barbarians, the English Civil Wars

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