A pre-law student standing in a courtroom


Centre students excel at the top law schools around the country, with recent grads heading to Harvard, Columbia, Duke, Vanderbilt, and Northwestern, among others. A national network of Centre lawyers serves at the ready to help Centre grads find and develop fulfilling careers in the legal profession.


Centre boasts a rich tradition of service and excellence in the legal profession. You will find our alums serving as state and federal judges, partners at top law firms, in-house counsel at Fortune 100 firms, and in governmental agencies and non-profits across the country. The pre-law curriculum helps provide students the tools you need for success in law school, and the broad alumni network helps you at each step of your career journey. Run by a sitting judge, Centre’s pre-law program is always exploring ways to innovate and ensure its spot as a best-in-class program.  


Centre is highly regarded for helping students to become strong writers, which ensures that our graduates walk into law school with a key tool for lawyering – knowing how to write. The broad liberal arts curriculum also ensures that you develop analytical skills that translate into success on the LSAT and beyond. While any major Centre offers can provide solid training for lawyers, Centre offers an array of courses that help students explore the legal system from a variety of perspectives. 

Experiential Learning

Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

In addition to the formal curriculum, Centre has an active Law Society, which helps sponsor law-related programming at Centre regarding careers in the legal field, applying to law schools, and securing law-related internships.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Many pre-law students secure legal internships during their time at Centre. Students work in private law firms of every size, as well as with judges, in government agencies, and in public interest organizations dealing with all aspects of law and policy. Our internship opportunities exist across the country, and committed alumni sponsor them to help ensure that our students are ready for law school. 


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Following in the footsteps of U.S. Supreme Court Justices (and Centre alums) John Marshall Harlan and Fred Vinson, today’s Centre students have equally high aspirations to contribute to public service and shape the legal profession in a positive manner. Whatever your area of interest in the legal field, we have alumni and advisors with connections to that area who will help you explore it. We understand that a law degree is not just a diploma to hang on the wall, but a passport to explore and engage. 

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