New Student Orientation
Check off these essentials so you can start your Centre experience right.
We’re so happy you've chosen Centre as your home for the next four years. Below, you’ll find everything you need to do before you join us in August for the New Student Orientation.
What to Expect
New Student Orientation at Centre starts when you first arrive on campus for move-in, making sure you have the information you need to begin a successful first year. Over the course of five days, you’ll have multiple opportunities to meet your fellow first-year Colonels as well as the faculty and staff who will help guide you through the next four years as you earn your degree.
- Get to know campus and Danville.
- Start building social connections and make friends.
- Gain a more solid understanding of campus policies and resources.
- Meet with HR if you plan to work on campus.
- Learn some of our campus traditions and start to forge community bonds.
- Discuss and begin to develop integral college life skills.
The start of a new year is always an exciting time, and we can’t wait to see you here at Centre!