Palestine and Germany Today: Activism and Resilience (D&I)

Ewen Room

Palestinian voices in Germany are often marginalized, misrepresented, or silenced in mainstream discourse, perpetuating misconceptions, and contributing to the perpetuation of injustices. This has become more acute recently. In the wake of the October 7th, Hamas attack on Israel, the voices of Palestinian artists and activists have been silenced and canceled. The event is part of the film series "Voices of Resilience: Palestine in the GDR and Germany Today" and showcases Palestine's rich cultural tapestry, enduring resilience, and diasporic roots in Germany. The event will host various actors in the German activist scene including Salahdin Said who is the face of the Palestinian protest movement in Berlin.

Open to the public.

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Hanzhi Wang

Norton Center for the Arts

Rosanne Cash

Norton Center for the Arts