Course Descriptions
ECO 301 Personal Finance and Implications
This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully analyze personal financial and money management decisions, including managing credit, personal budgeting, banking, taxation, investments, insurance, and estate planning.
ENG 190 The Language of Business
The Language of Business explores how businesses use language to inform us, persuade us, and (sometimes) deceive us. We’ll discover how businesses use language to create institutional cultures and how other cultures use language to define business. We’ll also examine what makes business writing unique and how to craft the kind of writing that businesses value.
ENS 210 Introduction to Environmental Studies
Do you want to advocate for environmental change? Explore the interdisciplinary nature of environmental problems and solutions. This involves an examination of social, political, cultural, and scientific dimensions, as well as specific values that affect decision-making. You will learn an understanding of the natural world through experiences in nature and the environment.
MAT 130 Introduction to Statistics
Investigate techniques for analyzing data and using it to form deductions. This course includes the study of random variables, descriptive statistics, basic probability theory, and inferential statistics. Specific topics include confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression, analysis of categorical data, and analysis of variance.
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychological Science*
- PSY 111 Survey of Psychological Science
Study how humans behave, think, and interact with their world. You will learn about yourself as well as topics that include brain structures, sleep, memory, attention, personalities, stress, child development, and psychological disorders. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking and the application of psychological science’s diverse methods to everyday events.
*This course has a laboratory component.