Lady with curly long hair wearing black turtleneck sweater in front of white background wall

Paige Crain

Instructor of Piano

Offices & Programs


BM: piano pedagogy, University of Louisville
MM: piano pedagogy, Michigan State University 

Paige Crain is a collaborative pianist and piano teacher based in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Paige received her BM and MM in piano pedagogy from the University of Louisville and Michigan State University, respectively. She completed an internship teaching at the Faber Piano Institute in Ann Arbor and served as a piano teaching assistant at the Interlochen Arts Camp. Paige has been affiliated with the Greater Louisville Music Teachers’ Association and served on the administrative team. She currently teaches applied piano at Centre College and maintains a private studio in Lexington, in which she welcomes students of all ages and levels of experience.

Paige has served as a staff accompanist and vocal coach at Bellarmine University, Centre College, and Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts, and as répétiteur for the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre and Opera Workshop. She has been featured on countless performances with artists in Lexington and Louisville, including the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra and the Louisville Gay Men’s Chorus. Paige is currently a doctoral candidate and graduate teaching assistant at the University of Kentucky, working toward a degree in Collaborative Piano. She is the proud recipient of the Cliff Jackson Collaborative Piano Scholarship, the Jean Marie McConnell Chrisman Memorial Piano Scholarship, and the Nathaniel Patch Piano Scholarship.

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