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    Home of John & Jennifer Tarter Daunhauer, 5018 Dunvegan Rd, Louisville, KY 40222-6021

    Louisville, KY skyline at night from FreePik

    Centre College Reception in Louisville

    Centre is coming to Louisville! Come learn more about the Centre Experience, chat with our alumni, and enjoy some light refreshments and appetizers at the home of our gracious hosts, John and Jenifer...

    Info Session
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    Intercultural Suite

    CLC EaSeL Evening- Remark, Review and Recap

    EaSeL Evening- Remark, Review, and Recap

    This week Ansley Bredar will be showing us how to annotate and summarize to make the most of our time reading. For our art activity we will be using text and art to create Text Black Out images. And a lucky student will also win a door prize from one of our sponsors! Come meet friends, share food, and make art!

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    Crounse 302

    CLC Teddy Talk- From Liberal Arts to the Tech Industry

    Teddy Talk- From Liberal Arts to the Tech Industry

    This week we have a special guest speaker, Centre alum Paxton Duff. A published author and blogger, he is eager to talk to students about his experiences on the job market with a degree from Centre College. Students who attend 5 or more Teddy Talks this fall will be entered to win a new iPad!

  4. Hazelrigg Gymnasium, Sutcliffe Hall

    black and white image with information about Black Friday-themed event

    SAC Black Friday

    This Black Friday shopping-themed event brings excitement every year! Students have the chance to "shop" for items and win prizes, from Centre gear to a flat-screen TV! All participants will receive a...

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    Intercultural Suite

    CLC EaSeL Evening- Purposeful Perusal

    EaSeL Evening- Purposeful Perusal

    Come join us to learn about the importance of knowing your purpose for reading. Our very own Sharon Duncan and Dina Moreland will help us repurpose print material to create collages. And a lucky student will also win a door prize from one of our sponsors! Come meet friends, share food, and make art!
